How commercial insurance can save a small business

More than 99 percent of businesses in the United States are defined as small businesses. Small companies face even more risks than large businesses and, in most cases, are less able to survive them. Proper commercial insurance gives your business a better chance of thriving. At Brevard Insurance Agency Inc. in Brevard, NC, we work for our customers, and we can help to determine the areas of greatest risk and make sure you have the coverage you need. 

Commercial property coverage

Commercial property coverage protects the building where your business is located if you own it. If you rent, it also covers everything you use in your business. Tools, machines, office equipment, electronics, inventory, paperwork, or raw materials can be used. Saving your business means being able to operate, and you need this coverage to repair or replace your property. 

Commercial liability coverage

One of the riskiest things that your business faces is being sued. A judgment against you and the legal fees that it generates could cause your business to close. With commercial liability insurance, you will have the money to pay both the judgment and the legal fees if you have the right amount of coverage. 

Business interruption coverage

When something happens that causes your business to close temporarily, your obligations will not stop just because you’re not operating. You will need to pay rent, payroll, and other bills promptly. With business interruption coverage, you can even take a salary yourself. It can make all the difference between a business that fails and one that survives.  

Get the help you need 

Contact Brevard Insurance Agency Inc. in Brevard, NC, to get the insurance help you need. Call us today, and let us help you save your small business.